Who am I
Abramovich, Vladimir A., the lawyer (attorney-at-law), candidate of law (PhD), member of Minsk City Bar Association.
Practice areas:
problem debts, representation in economic courts, including foreign persons, recognition and execution of judicial decisions of foreign courts in Belarus, contractual work, legal support of enterprises, registration of foreign Business in Belarus, investment activity etc.
Work experience:
2005-2007 assistant of the Chairman of the constant commission on economy, budget and finance of Council of Republic of National Assembly;
2007 – 2011 adviser of the Chairman of the Supreme Economic Court of the Republic of Belarus.
During my work in the Supreme Economic Court I supervised the questions of court costs, deliveries-, transportations-, construction- and the contract law as a whole, investment and tax law, responsibility for default of obligations, subsidiary responsibility, questions of transactions etc.
I promoted formation of the practice of economic courts of Belarus concerning termination of contracts in connection with growth of rate of foreign currency exchange in 2011, collecting of debts taking into account inflation rate.
I translated during the international meetings on legal questions and international conferences with participation of the Chairman and the deputy Chairman of the Supreme Economic Court (I possess translator qualification – English and German languages).
degree in economy (faculty of international relations of Belarusian State University) and degree in law (faculty of law of Belarusian State University).
I also studied in Germany – Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuernberg, Tempus Projekt, 2009.
I am:
-member of working groups concerning pseudo-business, involving in economic circulation of property in abeyance, the international contracts and agreements of Belarus state with other states etc.
– co-author of the first in Belarus manual on the European customs law.
Author of:
– monography «the Belarus state and the law in context of world economic trends» – Minsk, 2011. – 215 p.,
– More than 200 publications concerning the economic right and process in Russian, English and German languages.
I organize lectures and author’s seminars (as a lecturer) for practicing lawyers concerning economic and civil law, consideration by economic courts of disputes, in:
– the National press centre of Belarus;
– the Ministry of Justice of Belarus;
– Institute «Workers of industry» (the Ministry of industry of Belarus) etc.
I always aspire to help to solve your questions + 375 (29) 341 92 42, mailwladimir@yahoo.com