The success in this direction depends on its experience and ability operatively to solve arising questions. Questions can arise in area of: – legalisation of documents; – remittance for authorised capital forming; – registration of legal address, etc. However the Belarus legislation allows to solve this questions quickly. Terms of registration of the legal entity […]
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Judicial bodies of one state have no jurisdiction over judicial bodies of other states. Therefore sometimes there is necessity for recognition and carrying out of the decision of foreign court in the territory of Belarus. This aspect is regulated by both the national legislation, and the international contracts or agreements. Hence, during the decision of […]
Читать полностью »Competently constituted contract or agreement predetermines success of the concluded transaction, eliminates possible problems. Frequently errors at agreement drawing up come to light during judicial proceedings when, for example, the counterpart founds possibility not to pay, because the agreement appears to be actually not concluded because not all essential conditions are specified, or the agreement […]
Читать полностью »The system of economic justice in Belarus includes eight economic courts – one for each of areas and the city of Minsk, and also Supreme Economic Court. Thanks to such small system of economic justice uniform judiciary practice is supported. The question is only in its knowledge. Nevertheless, to represent interests of the enterprise should […]
Читать полностью »There are more than hundred thousand legalislative acts and more than three decades controlling bodies in Belarus. Cases of non-payments arise even more often. Frequently legal aid is necessary for the enterprises during their functioning. Delivery, construction, rent, transportation, investment activity is far not a cycle of questions arising during economic activity. Thus judiciary practice, […]
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